Navigating the perfect storm
Risks of supply chain disruptions and political and economic polarization are rising against the background of relentless climate change.
2022 surprised companies and governments who had not challenged their thinking and forced them to react to the rapid change of events.
Governments are making radical interventions while real economy makes a comeback, with the heightened risks forecast to last until 2030.
How can you prepare for disruptions in production systems, markets and consumer priorities while still living up to your ESG commitments?
Hara-Trading asks the hard questions and helps you develop cost efficient solutions for the concrete long term resilience of your business.

Business audit
Are your daily operations and development plans resilient to the realization of potential risks?
What is your business risk of operating in markets that are at higher relative risk of unforeseen events?
As authors of the World after cheap oil (Routledge 2014) we have foreseen many of these processes.

Capabilities Analysis
Do you have the capabilities to reorient the company faster than the changes in operating environment?
Do you have the people and processes in place to feel the changes and quickly develop alternative courses of action?
We apply the OODA loop based on our combination of vast experience and openness to critical analytical thinking

Resilient solutions
Incorporate resilience into your solutions while also saving time and money - and improving sustainability.
Renew your core business, and add alternative revenue models to better prepare for realization of risks.
As startup entrepreneurs we are living and breathing bottom-up renewal and resilience for over 10 years
Proven and efficient approach
Hara-Trading accepts companies that have already graduated the business renewal process of Partnership service.
Longer term success requires moving from daily business into applying proven organizational and strategic models that work in environments with a high level uncertainty.
We deliver services that transfer our experiences and way of thinking to you or your chosen experts so that they can apply the same in your area of business.

Partnership development
1-2 years
Review company, customer and employee capabilities to adopt innovations in internal or external startup mode.
Develop validated solutions cost efficiently with scalable impacts and value created from the bottom up.
Acquire, adapt and iterate innovations

Leadership support
As long as needed
Challenge your internal or external experts with hard questions or a second opinion before final decision on a strategy or action.
Or reflect your thinking and gain alternative points of view in a continuous mode.
Second opinions or ongoing longer term support

Resilient company
5+ years
There will be a time when our questions are no longer a challenge to you, and your processes can adapt to the rate of changes.
You will be able to rapidly renew your business on an ongoing basis.
Confidence to navigate the turbulence
Principled insights and expertise
The meaning of hara comes from Japanese, where it means one’s true nature as a human being, being sincere and speaking the truth openly and frankly.
The meaning of coreorient is that in order to succeed, one must work together to reorient themselves and their organizations to the surrounding environment.
Through these, it is possible to avoid being taken by complete surprise by the turn of events, and to act calmly in any situation.
Our small team of experts combines these with extensive business and technical expertise and an intuitive perception of value and priorities.

Hara-Trading has serviced leading energy, chemicals, textile, paper and metal industry customers successfully and efficiently since 1976, including in Germany and the Middle East since 1998.
Frank Kruse runs the company in the second generation of the Kruse family and has extensive experience in international markets and execution of consulting projects with large corporate customers.

CoReorient founders Harri Paloheimo and Heikki Waris have a background in both startup world as well as corporate R&D engineering, system architectures and sustainability.
They have authored a non-fiction book analyzing the real world oil-based economic system and are building elements of social and economic resilience into their sharing and circular economy solutions.

You as customer
You have the best expertise on your business and we look forward to taking up challenges with you.
The model complements the work of your own experts of external consultants if you choose to let us challenge them.
We can also work bottom-up to get unfiltered inputs from your end customers or employees, bypassing the management layers.
CoReorient Oy is an Ashoka Changemaker company and has developed and operated award winning B2B2C sharing and circular economy solutions in Finland since 2011, with recognition by The Nordic Council Environment Prize and the EU Social Innovation Competition, and pilot impacts validated by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Harri Paloheimo and Heikki Waris are also co-authors of the non-fiction Finlandia book award nominee World after cheap oil.